UK:(+44) 20 8123 8948         DK:(+45) 65 74 99 98         [email protected]

Manufacturing and Distribution Experts

We implement Microsoft Business Central in manufacturing and distribution companies.

We are a team of some of the best senior Microsoft Dynamics NAV 365 Business Central consultants in the industry, helping manufacturing and distribution companies in the UK, Denmark and Switzerland. Implementations are always fixed cost and include unlimited consulting.



You must stay competitive by streamlining and optimising your internal processes, in your warehouse as well as on the shop floor. Your company must become an execution machine. We can help you formulate your strategy and seamlessly integrate it into your company.


The challenge for distribution companies is to make the supply chain go like clockwork. New inventory must arive just-in-time and the warehouse must leverage the newest technologies so that processes are both fast and efficient but also flexible enough to handle shifting demand.

AgiliGroup will help you embrace the digital age and propel your business into the future.





Fixed Cost - Unlimited Consulting

 Unlimited Training

 Unlimited Project Management

 Unlimited Requirements

 Unlimited Solutions

An implementation is the process of replacing your old systems with Dynamics NAV Business Central (formerly Navision). We always offer fixed cost implementations with Unlimited Consulting, so that you do not have to worry about the project cost spiraling out of control.

We implement based on an Agile project methodology. You only have to pay on delivery and if you are happy with our work. We can offer you this because we are confident in the quality of our work and that you will be satisfied with our service.



We can develop anything in Dynamics NAV Business Central.

Integrations: Does Dynamics NAV Business Central need to integrate with another program? Maybe an online shop? Maybe a program which calculates freight cost? No problem.

Modules: Do you need a completely new module developed in Business Central (NAV)? Maybe you are a make-to-order manufacturer and need an advanced quality assurance module? Maybe you need a custom product configuration module for your customizable products? We can help.

Automations: Maybe you have employees performing the same basic data process over and over again and want to automate this? Maybe you need all of your 10,000 items updated with new information and don't want to do this manually? Happy to help.

Reports: Do you need a custom report to use on your shop floor? Or maybe you are exporting to a country which requires special custom papers? We'll get that fixed.

Small Adjustments: Maybe you want an extra field on the item card? Maybe you want to group your customers in a particular way? Maybe your fixed assets need to be calculated in an industry-specific way? We'll get that done.

We can take on any development tasks in Business Central (NAV), large or small - whether you need just a simple report or the development of an entirely new module.

In short, we can develop anything in Business Central (NAV).


We believe learning should be a positive experience.

Although we can carry out training on site, we usually do it in our Online Classroom. We do not recommend long training sessions - usually just a single hour is enough for you to go away and practise and reflect for a day or two before taking in more information. Remote training in the Online Classoom has many advantages over traditional training:

Record the session: You can record the session and watch it over and over again so you don't have to focus on taking notes.

Split it up: 1 full day of training? Or maybe 2 half days? Or how about 1 hour sessions spread across 8 days? You don't have to have a whole day of training, you can split it up as you prefer. Learning can be quite draining on your mental resources and most people are not capable of more than a few hours of effective training a day. With remote training we have a huge level of flexibility.

1-on-1 or group training: It rarely makes sense to train more than a couple of people in a particular area of Dynamics NAV Business Central. Typically, a particular business area is handled by just 1 or 2 people in your company. But in the Online Classroom we can do 1-on-1 or group training just as you see fit.

Location is not an issue: Is your company spread across several locations? In the Online Classroom everyone can join regardless of location - all you need is a decent internet connection.

On site: If you prefer, we can do on-site training anywhere in Europe, if you book us for a minimum of 3 days.


Good design can save you a fortune and a lot of headaches.

Design is the process of coming up with solutions to one or multiple business requirements. Design always starts with understanding the business: What is the business trying to achieve and why? Next, multiple solutions will be discussed and debated. Are we able to solve the business requirement with standard functionality? Do we need to consider development?

Very simple solutions (such as adding a single new field to the customer card) can be handled verbally, but more complicated solutions must be structured in a Design Document which could include some or all of the following sections:

1) Business requirement: What is the business requirement and why is this important to the company?
2) The proposed solution: How do we expect the solution (or future business process) to work?
3) Development description: If development is needed, a detailed development description needs to be written.
4) Test cases: If the solution is particularly risky, we might need to develop structured test cases that stress test the solution before it is put into the live environment. Test cases are written in the format of, "If we do X, then we expect Y.".
5) Go-live plan: A plan for putting the new solution live.

Once everyone involved has approved the design document, the plan can be executed.


Project Management is easy if your methodology is solid.

You can hire the most skilled developers and consultants in the industry but if you don't have a very clear understanding of managing your project, things could go horribly wrong. 

We'd be happy to help you manage your Dynamics NAV Business Central implementation or advise your Project Manager if this is their first time.

We are devoted to good project management, using an Agile methodology:

Read more about our Agile approach to Project Management.


Phone UK: 020 8123 8948

Phone DK: 65 74 99 98

Phone CH: 033 533 38 26

Email: [email protected]

© Copyright Agili Group 2022

Second Floor, Windsor House
40/41 Great Castle Street
London | W1W 8LU
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 8123 8948

Trelleborggade 13
2100 København
+45 65749998

Manchester Business Park,
3500 Aviator Way
Manchester | M22 5TG
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 8123 8948

Borgergade 36,
8600 Silkeborg,
+45 65749998

Lagerstrasse 21,
8090 Zürich,
+41 33 533 38 26